3 Ways to Send Back Pain Packing with Easy Home Remedies

Busy lifestyles are not particularly conducive to total wellness. Both physical and mental stress take a toll. Add in demanding activities and it's no wonder that "Oh, my aching back" is such a common complaint.

Home Remedies to Lesson the Pain

At Advanced Physical Medicine we believe strongly in a holistic approach to pain relief. We also believe that continuing health and fitness is an achievable goal. But we know that pain happens.

When it does, try these steps at home to alleviate the symptoms and give you back relief without medication. While it may be impossible to continue your normal level of activity, total bed rest is not the best solution either.

  • For a minor injury with swelling, or unexplained inflammation of a joint, alternate ice and heat treatments at the site of the pain. If it doesn't feel better in 48 hours, seek professional advice.
  • There is no magic formula for pain relief, but don't opt for total immobility either. Instead, try gentle movements or limited stretching exercises. Simple massage techniques are helpful for neck pain and headaches. Sit and bend forward at the waist to stretch your lower back; alternately bend your knees, extend your legs, and flex your ankles to stretch your hamstrings. Rotate your shoulders to ease the tightness brought on by too much sitting or standing and improper lifting.
  • Practice better sleeping habits. Place a pillow under your knees if you are a back sleeper, or put a small cushion between your knees as you stretch out on your side. Try a smaller or softer pillow to maintain proper spinal alignment. Draw your legs up and curl into a fetal position for at least a few minutes and feel the strain dissipate.

Our professional staff at Advanced Physical Medicine will help you find the balance in your life. Why not contact us to schedule an initial consultation? Let's work together to set you on the path to wellness by designing a comprehensive program for lasting health. Teamwork and technology make a difference!

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