5 Weight Loss Tips in Yorkville (You Never Knew)!

There is no magical formula for losing weight, but successful dieters know tips and tricks to boost their metabolism and get their bodies shedding pounds every week. Setting yourself up for success can make your weight loss journey easier and will help you to keep the weight off once you've lost it.

  1. Rev up your metabolism by jump-starting it each morning. Your body only burns calories when you fuel it, and starting the day off with the right foods gets your system going right away. Choose foods high in protein and fiber and low in fat and sugar for the best results.
  2. Sleep in once in a while, and get more sleep on a daily basis. Sleep plays an important role in your body regulating hormones that control hunger and weight loss.
  3. Exercise doesn't have to mean going to the gym. Anything that gets your heart rate up and makes you sweat counts toward your daily workout goal. Play Frisbee, crawl in the sand with your kids, bounce on a trampoline or go dancing. It all counts. Make it a goal to try a new way to move each week.
  4. Learn to cook. No matter what you like to eat, you can make a healthier and leaner version at home. Most meals cook up surprisingly quickly and can be on the table in the time it would have taken you to go through a drive through.
  5. There's no such thing as cheating. Restricting yourself to only eating "healthy" foods puts up unrealistic expectations. Who wants to go through life and never have chocolate again? Find a weight loss plan that you can live with for the rest of your life, and change your lifestyle gradually until you're 100 percent on plan, and always leave room in the plan for indulgences.

Contact Our Yorkville Chiropractor Today!

For more advice on healthy and sustained weight loss, see the Yorkville chiropractors at Advanced Physical Medicine of Yorkville. Their Doctor's Solution Weight Loss Program can help you lose stubborn weight you've been working on for years. Call our office at 630-239-7284.

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