7 Symptoms of Arthritis in the Knee

Knee arthritis is one of the leading causes of knee pain. There are different types of knee arthritis with the most common being osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis of the knee joint can be caused by repetitive knee strain, joint infections, and cartilage breakdown.

Chiropractic care has been found to be a highly effective treatment option for knee arthritis and other related health complications. Our chiropractor at Advanced Physical Medicine of Yorkville offers specialized treatment to Yorkville residents and neighboring areas.

Knee Arthritis Symptoms

Symptoms associated with knee arthritis tend to worsen gradually over time as your condition deteriorates and may worsen if you get injured or overuse the knee joint. Common symptoms associated with knee arthritis include:

1. Tenderness and swelling

This may be hard swelling caused by the formation of osteophytes or soft swelling due to the collection of excess fluid around the joint.

2. Deformity of the knee joint

At some point, the knee may weaken and appear sunken or bent outward. This is usually caused by inflammation which leads to permanent damage to knee joint tendons and ligaments.

3. Pain that increases steadily

While it can appear suddenly in a few cases, knee arthritis pain normally starts slowly and usually progresses gradually. Knee pain may feel worse when you are in a state of inactivity such as sitting down, in the morning when you wake up, or after taking part in activities that strain your knee joint such as climbing stairs, walking, etc.

4. Damaged cartilage that leaves space around the bones

When the cartilage that occupies the space around the knee joint gets damaged and wears away, that space is left empty. This is only detectable through a knee X-ray.

5. Decreased range of motion

When the knee cartilage around the knee gets damaged, it becomes very hard to move, bend, or even flex the knee smoothly. If left untreated, you may eventually need a cane or walking stick to move about.

6. Creaky and poppy sounds

Your knee feels like it’s grinding against each other when you move due to the development of bone spurs and consequently produces cracking sounds.

7. Stiffness and feeling warm in the knee joint area

This occurs due to a bacterial joint infection. The knee area typically feels warmer than other parts.

Contact Advanced Physical Medicine of Yorkville for Long-term Knee Arthritis Pain Relief

A chiropractor offers personalized knee arthritis treatment to provide long-term pain relief, restore joint strength and functionality, and prevent further damage to the affected knee. At Advanced Physical Medicine of Yorkville, our chiropractor can help you manage knee joint damage, reduce pain, and reduce chances of experiencing total knee dysfunction and disability.

If you are experiencing arthritis-related symptoms, seek medical treatment as soon as possible. Call your Yorkville chiropractor at 630-239-7284 and get a personalized treatment plan that will make you better and improve your quality of life.

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